Kundalini-Shakti Meditation (Shaktipat)
on Friday Evenings
Start your weekend with a 90-minute relaxing and healing Shaktipat meditation. Treat yourself to this introspection and letting go as a prelude to the weekend workshop or as a way to get to know this transformative form of meditation. It is not yet as widespread or known in Germany as it is in India, where Shaktipat also comes from.

Shaktpat Meditations
With the help of Martin G. Armbruster and Andrea Helfrich, go into transformative Shaktipat meditations and receive impulses from the source (Kundalini Shakti).
This energy work increases your life energy (Chi) and frees you from old problems such as blockages and trauma.
This way you can develop very quickly, easily and in a targeted manner.
Martin and Andrea address the male and female parts of you and support you in letting go of archetypal issues.
The only thing it takes is your dedication.
After the Shaktipat meditation you will immediately feel relief caused by the detachments.
Martin G. Armbruster practices knowledge and techniques that serve energetic development and the enlightenment process.
With the participation of Andrea Helfrich, Mediumship and coach, Martin's work receives active support. Andrea helps to maintain the field and contributes her energy to people's healing processes.
Shaktipat meditations open your meridians and chakras. This enables very quick and easy spiritual development, more life energy, relief in everyday life and ensures a better quality of life.
Friday Evening
The 90-minute Shaktipat meditation session begins at 7 p.m., so it's recommended to arrive a little earlier and in a peaceful state of mind. During the meditation, you will be accompanied by high-vibration, atmospheric music, creating an environment that makes it easier to surrender to the increased vibration and the opened portals.
In this state of devotion, a wide range of perceptions and bodily phenomena often take place, while a variety of thoughts and emotions may be released through the direct encounter with the light. It's encouraged to open your heart, trust the process, and give yourself completely - what is ready will change.
Following the meditation, there will be an opportunity for a discussion of the experience.
Friday Evening Meditation on Site
You are certain to discover what you seek at the diverse locations and dates. An unforgettable weekend brimming with new experiences and adventures eagerly awaits you.
Dates & Ticketing
Weekend Workshops
It is ideal if you started transforming topics on Friday evening and now use Saturday and Sunday to get down to business.
Dates & Ticketing

Your Team
Martin G. Armbruster leads the meditations on site and conducts them with empathetic wisdom. Various aspects of your inner world are lovingly addressed and gently released. Martin attentively accompanies you on your path of letting go and spiritual liberation, so that you can dwell in deep peace and harmony.